Saturday 25 May 2013

A Quick Update Before I Return To Being A Regular


My absence from the blog is only down to me. I have had quite a bit of stuff happening with the life, on top of the usual examinations at university. What makes it harder for myself, is that unfortunately I am studying for degree in a subject that I have no interest in, mad I know, however  I am currently in the process of attempting to change courses. Not being happy about things in within my life hasn’t provided me with much optimism in lots of aspects and subsequently my blogging hasn’t been up to scratch.

Unfortunately for myself, I do have two exams left to do, and another two weeks left of university, but I’m hoping to get back “on it” this weekend, and slowly update you on things and obviously post about the lovely world of fashion and beauty!!

Sorry for the picture less short but sweet (a little negative) post.


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